
Advertising Specifications

Throughout eFunda.com there are banner positions rotating at the top of each page.

By combining these ads with a premiere sponsorship or storefront advertisers can see ideal results.

  • Track click-throughs
  • Drive traffic to your site
  • Update creative on-the-fly
  • Sizes 468×60, 300×250, 728×90 & 640xN (where is does not exceed 200)
  • Animation limited to 3 loops)

Homepage Sponsorship

The homepage on eFunda.com receives approximately 20,000 page views a month (conservative average).

By carefully blending sponsorship opportunities and content, eFunda sponsorships are well noticed and get responded to by visitors.

Content sponsors appear throughout the main page and in relevant sub-sections of the website. You’ll notice them under the special offers section and in the suppliers and products section.

  • Prime exposure on eFunda’s most popular page
  • Embed your offer with content
  • High click-through volume
  • Ad dimensions (check for availability)
  • Text and graphic combo
  • No animation

Super-Sized Sponsorship Banners

Super-sized banner advertising on eFunda is offered to Platinum site sponsors.

These banners offer unmatched exposure and premium branding at the top and bottom of each page. These banners span the width of the page.

  • Large size offers excellent visibility
  • Top and bottom locations reinforce message
  • Click throughs and impressions tracked
Header Specifications
  • 750 x 30 Pixels
  • GIF image
  • No animation
Footer Specifications
  • 750 x 90 Pixels
  • GIF image
  • No animation
Email List Advertising

The eFunda email announcements list goes out to over 189,000 subscribers. This can be an effective way to get your offer in front of the top engineering decision makers.

This email goes out as a stand-alone offer to the eFunda subscriber base. We can accept both text and html placements.

  • 189,000 subscribers
  • Have your product introduced by eFunda’s CEO
  • Track results
  • Stand alone email piece (Your Message is the Email)
  • HTML or text
Sample Email Blasts:

1: Solid Works Campaign

2: Solid Works Campaign Two

3: Pro Engineer (PTC.com) Campaign

4: zCorp Campaign

Storefront Sponsorships

eFunda provides an affordable way to showcase your products and services with the storefront packages.

An eFunda storefront is a web page that is both hosted and promoted on eFunda.com. This allows you to show photos of your services and company details to help grow your exposure.

Contact us for a tour.
  • Multiple pages outline your offer
  • “Foot traffic” from eFunda visitors
  • Promotion throughout the eFunda website in left navigation
  • Promotion on homepage of website
  • No charge for design and layout

Custom Landing Pages and Micro Sites

eFunda develops custom landing pages and information centers to help build advertiser awareness and generate leads on the eFunda website.

We’ve found that by keeping visitors in the familiar eFunda environment they are more likely to complete forms, perform downloads and request information.

  • leads and inquiries delivered in real time via email or to a database
  • traffic measurement
  • professional design and lead generation experience

By building landing pages and micro sites on eFunda we can also help track and make necessary design changes to improve lead generation results.

Let us help you generate leads, inquiries and registrations for your company.