eFunda Advertiser FAQ

What is the average visitor session length?

The average visitor length is 12 minutes per session.

What percent of visitors that come to the site and are registered?

6% are registered, 0.5% are paying members.

What is the percentage age breakdown of the registration levels?

We do not collect age data, but we DO know that 60% are professionals and 40% are students, mostly college students.

Any other basic demos or visitor info you can provide would be appreciated.

eFunda receives 10,000 unique IP’s per day and 60% engineers.

How often are users prompted to register for the site (after viewing how many pages?)

Visitors are prompted to register after visiting their first 10 member-only pages, (which are the majority of our pages.) After that, they lose their access for one hour unless they leave and come back after one hour.

What pages have the highest traffic and do these pages have reg.

Most pages have registration and our traffic pattern is very even, with the Design and Standards section having slightly (20%) more traffic than the rest.